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  1. H

    new product announcement: affordable metal VGs

    Hey guys, long time member here (and before that RAH etc- yikes) and wanted to let you all know of a new product announcement. === Landshorter VGs are back :) Been making and selling these since 2004 and took a break for a few years but now we're back with really aggressive low pricing...
  2. jedi

    Are Aircraft Safe?

    The thread "Crashes in the News" post number 710 brought up the question of whether aircraft are safe and if design improvements to improve aircraft safety are possible and the relative advantage and need for improved training for existing aircraft versus design improvements applied to existing...
  3. jamesbdunn

    Sportsman STOL Kit Features for Homebuilt Wings

    The dominant cause for fatalities in kit planes I've reviewed, is low & slow while: making turns, abrupt control movements, high engine power, wind gusting or wind drop-out near stall speed. http://www.ntsb.gov/investigations/accidentreports/pages/aviation.aspx For conventional gear / tail...
  4. T

    Why do engine related failures cause fatal crashes in fixed wing aircraft?

    I was cruising through old posts and read about an accident that apparently was due to... Well, just read it here: https://www.homebuiltairplanes.com/forums/firewall-forward-props-fuel-system/10185-sad-news-bud-warren-down.html#post226426 My question is: why wouldn't an experienced pilot be...
  5. John Newton

    Prevention of tip stall on a swept flying wing using partial drooped leading edge

    Hi all, I have recently been looking into the design of swept flying wings and have built an R/C testbed model to test out my ideas. It flies well enough but is prone to tip stalling. I am retrofitting it with a NASA style drooped leading edge over the outer 1/3rd of the semispan in a bid to...