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  1. cattflight

    FOR SALE: Ballistic Recovery System (BRS1800)

    FOR SALE: BRS6-1800 Softpack Ballistic Recovery System. Never installed. All components included. Same parachute and rocket system used in the RV-6/7/9 BRS but without the RV-specific mounting assembly. Can be modified to fit an RV or any other aircraft requiring an 1800 lb capacity chute...
  2. smittysrv

    Video: TOP FUN in an RV-7A from Van's Aircraft

    A Compilation video of Gene Lee's adventures in his RV-7A! So MUCH Fun!
  3. smittysrv

    RV Builder Search

    Looking for other RV builders? Find them and their build websites here: https://vansaircraftbuilders.com/rv-builders.aspx
  4. V

    Increase wingspan for less drag/higher cruise speed?

    The question: Is there a way to figure out if an increase in wingspan is likely to decrease the drag of a particular design, and at what altitude that might happen? The background: The Vision design can be built in two versions: a shorter-wing "SP" and a longer wing "XP". The designer...
  5. nysaircraft

    Nys Aircraft _ Building the Dream

    Nys Aircraft, Inc.'s owner, John Nys, began building airplanes in 1993, while working at American Airlines in Tulsa. His son, Broc, had recently moved from Ohio to Oklahoma & become involved in aviation as well. After building several RVs together Broc encouraged John to take an early...