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  1. V

    Missing DIEHL mag rotor and flywheel mount.

    Hello everyone, A couple of months ago, I purchased a Volksplane; the main reason was the quality of the airframe is excellent and well built. Unfortunately, the previous owner made metal with the engine (1776 VW) at around 250 hrs, so he decided to rebuild it. I think he bit more than he could...
  2. GyroGerald

    Bensen Days Gyroplane Event

  3. Chlomo

    How do helicopters maintain a certain rotor pitch?

    On rotors of large complex helicopters I'm sure there are hydraulic devices that hold the required pitch as dictated by cyclic input by the pilot. Anyone care to share how that works mechanically? Especially with the more modern non symmetrical airfoiled rotors. How do rotor systems resist such...