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rotax 277

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  1. L

    Prop Wash pulling fuel.

    Hey all, My current project is a Rotax 277 powered MiniMax. I have the plane just about ready to fly with all gauges functional, the engine runs and idles well with no filter, and the wood/fabric is in great shape. I’m excited to say the least. However, my adventures have led me to the prop wash...
  2. J

    Lazair on Floats with Rotax 185's needs more power, Ideas?

    I have a Lazair Series 2 with original UltraFlight floats and live on a Lake. I'll be working to get it flight ready this year but all the video's I've seen show it struggling to get off the water. Its got 2 rotax 185 engines (~9hp) direct drive props and I'm thinking it will need more power. I...
  3. S

    Engines for sale, for starters

    Hello, I lost my best friend to cancer and I'm trying to help his widow. We need to sell some Rotax 277s and some other engines. Kolher, Kawasaki, Teledyne +?. All aircooled, some military generator engines, at least one is disassembled. Also other plane equipment. I've got some pictures, but...
  4. W

    Two rotax 277 Engines with gearboxes

    I've switched to a different engine and have two Rotax 277 free-air engines with gearboxes as surplus. The "primary" engine includes a carb and a Rotax exhaust. The "spare" engine is a bare block with gearbox. Both have recoil starters. The engines were rebored by Rainier Ultralight Engines and...
  5. Dana

    The return of the Rotax 277... or did it ever go away?

    It's still (or again) used in snowmobiles, at least... -Dana Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark. Professionals built the Titanic.