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ridge runner

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  1. Cass256

    Ridge Runner 3 restoration - "Project Whiskey" - KBTV

    To start, we're going back in time to September 2019. I had just gotten my PPL & was starting my IFR training. I realized the required hours for IR & CPL would cost a lot renting at 180$/hr in the school's 172s (and the 130$/hr Cherokee had just been taken down for maintenance), so I set off on...
  2. Cass256

    Ridge Runner/SkyRaider bungee gear

    Today is a good day. I'm finally about to pick up the last of the re-coated metal parts for the RR3, and it's time to throw it back on its wheels for a while. I talked to a fellow RR3 builder who put a recovery chute in their plane, and he said the original bungees sagged on the ramp under the...
  3. Cass256

    Using KitFox PVC fairings on a Ridge Runner?

    Anyone have experience with these fairing kits? My RR3’s wings are built around a tube spar as the leading edge (like most KFs iirc), and I was reading about a leading edge “cuff” that KF offers, supposedly improving low-speed handling. Would this fit & work on a Ridge Runner? Would it help...
  4. Cass256

    New member from VT, workin on a Ridge Runner 3

    Hi all, my name is Cassidy. I’m a 19 year old guy from VT training for my IR & CPL (currently am PPL TW, about 140ish hours last I remember), and currently I’m working on restoring a Ridge Runner model 3. I bought the plane in Washington & shipped it here. It had been sitting in a trailer...