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retractable landing gear

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  1. llemon

    How did this retract gear work?

    Clayton Folkerts is best know for being co-designer of the monocoupe, but he also designed a series of successful racing aircraft in the 1930s. The first of the series was the somewhat funny looking "Speed King" Sk-1, which was followed by the more elegant Menasco powered SK-2 and its very...
  2. Evert_NL

    simple retractable landing gear

    hello homebuilders, For a new project I would like to replace a fixed gear with a retractable gear on a wooden tail dragger. I am looking for a simplified version of the Globe GC-1 Swift. Would be a great help if you could help me with existing plans/ideas like the on the picture below...
  3. cblink.007

    Electromechanical Landing Gear Actuators

    In the course of doing some research on designing a retract system for my bird. I am particularly interested in an electric actuation system. Does anybody know of any actuators out there that are suitable for a light aircraft (ie under 2500lbs). I already have a design for the struts and...
  4. R

    Siers Barracuda, Retractable Tricycle with Cruise @ 200mph

    I have a Barracuda plans-build aircraft for sale. Approximately 45% of the plane is complete. There should almost be enough material and hardware to complete most of the project, except for paint and final covering. The pictures do not show the elevators, flap, rudder, ailerons installed, but...