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  1. cattflight

    FOR SALE: Ballistic Recovery System (BRS1800)

    FOR SALE: BRS6-1800 Softpack Ballistic Recovery System. Never installed. All components included. Same parachute and rocket system used in the RV-6/7/9 BRS but without the RV-specific mounting assembly. Can be modified to fit an RV or any other aircraft requiring an 1800 lb capacity chute...
  2. T

    Why do engine related failures cause fatal crashes in fixed wing aircraft?

    I was cruising through old posts and read about an accident that apparently was due to... Well, just read it here: https://www.homebuiltairplanes.com/forums/firewall-forward-props-fuel-system/10185-sad-news-bud-warren-down.html#post226426 My question is: why wouldn't an experienced pilot be...
  3. halfscalemustang

    F-4 Phantom recovery?

    So here the story, when I was in eight grade a couple of my buddies told me that while deere hunting on their uncles property they found an airplane crash site. For whatever reason we could never get together to go check it out. Last week I was working away and for some reason I remembered that...