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  1. Willzilla

    The Affordaplane?

    I just discovered it and I've been looking around the web a bit. Any latest news? Is it good or dangerous or are people still unsure? It seems there are a few flying videos of them and right now the plans are no sale (I'm not sure if that's a good thing) http://affordaplane.com/plans.html I'm...
  2. D

    Gyrocopter engines newbie question

    Hello. Im new here. I'm not planning to build anything yet. Just learning. And somehow it feels right to learn from those who know by asking lots of possibly silly questions. Trying to figure out how to determine appropriate engine choices. So far I learned that weight to power ratio is...
  3. D

    Some Affordaplane Questions

    Hello! I am considering building the Affordaplane plane, and I had a few questions for people who have built or fly this or similar planes. Any help you could give would be greatly appreciated. 1) What is generally the total cost to build the Affordaplane from start to finish? 2) What...