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  1. T

    Repost: what's my kit plane REALLY gonna cost?

    My original thread morphed into an interesting and lively discussion about certified vs. conversion engines (which I hope admins can place under the appropriate category and re-title)... So I'll just try again and hope that this go-around we can keep it on the topic of financial modeling...
  2. A

    The Briggs&Stratton Vanguard (24 HP) engine price

    hey, i need to know the price of first/second hand Briggs&Stratton Vanguard (24 HP) engine. pls help me.... Alex.
  3. V

    Velocity XL Kit

    I'm looking for an unstarted / unfinished Velocity XL kit. Retractable gear and factory-built wings/fuselage preferred. $20,000 - $35,000. If you're interested in selling one, please send a description of your kit, your asking price, and your location to: [email protected]