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  1. M

    Alternative to Oratex?

    So Oratex has been "on the market" for a number of years now. However, it's like pulling teeth to get prices and support. And, their website is pretty crappy. Why isn't Stewart Systems, Polyfiber, etc making something similar and selling it to the EXPERIMENTAL market? I've found 4 or 5 RC Hobby...
  2. S

    I need photos

    I am looking for photos of planes that have used Polyfiber or Randolph. I would like to use them on our website for the various covering kits we have. If your plane is covered with either and you would like to share your plane photo on my website, please send it my way. It would be much...
  3. S

    PolyFiber Made Easy

    Just added PolyFiber kits to our website. This will provide you the quantities you need to cover your plane., whether it is the entire plane or just the wings. Not all kits are built yet, so bear with us and feel free to let me know what you would like to see added. We are also looking for...
  4. S

    Pilot Gone Crazy

    Hello everyone! Just wanted to introduce myself. I flew back in high school with the dream of owning my own airlines (crazy started back then). Graduated from college and quit flying for twenty years. Bought a piece of property in FlorenceOregon to ride quads with family. It was a 5.5 hour...