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part 103

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  1. Arkan

    Part 103 build...

    So, I have been playing with a design for a experimental home built bush plan. And I am still designing it as I write this, but I do not have my pilots license yet, and I am working on and studying the ground school material. But I never trusted ultra lights, I seen one crash as a kid, and I...
  2. A

    Part 103 low speed ultralight glider design (wing)

    I need ideas of wing system for ultralight glider (such as Chanute, EasyRiser or Primary Instruction Glider) (may be biplane) low speed (25 - 40 hm/h) , weight of glider < 40 kg). My idea is next: biplane (wingspan - 6m, wing chord - 1.2m), S1210 airfoill...
  3. b7gwap

    Ideas for joining UL tube ladder wing spars at splices.

    I'm drawing up a fat guy Sandlin glider in SW. This will be what I call the "BUG 5" as it is a derivative of the BUG4. Sandlin's drawings call out the main spar tubes as having a splice at the outer flying wire location (1 inch OUTBD of that location to be exact.) He carries the bending and...
  4. b7gwap

    Airdrome Aircraft EIII actually part 103 legal?

    Hi everyone, I’ve been reading vtul’s thread on part 103 legality with great interest. Seems like the general consensus is that wing loading greater than 4 lbs/ft^2 is about the maximum for a legal stall speed barring a super high CoL or high lift devices. AA states that its supposedly part 103...
  5. G

    Experimentals and non-recreational/non-commercial activities

    This question isn't strictly about homebuilts but more broadly about the experimental category and the rules that govern it. I'm an atmospheric scientist, and there is atmospheric research that would be best conducted from an ultralight or at least from a very low-speed, lightweight aircraft...
  6. Hot Wings

    Modern Primary Glider for training

    I've got some spare time this weekend so here is what I've been spending some of that time on. A Modern Primary Glider, or MPG. For the purpose of this thread I'll defined an MPG as a basic training vehicle in the spirit of the old SG-38 primary gliders but built with more modern materials...