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  1. Tiger Tim

    Designng a Replica from Photos?

    Hey all, Let's say you wanted to build a replica of a vintage one of a kind airplane that no longer exists. All you have to work with are photos and the goal is to get it as close to the shape of the original as you possibly can. How would you do it? I have a few ideas but I don't want to...
  2. Heroben


    Hello all of you out there! This is the design and build log of one of the most desired fictional airplanes in the world. We will start with a quick approach on the historic side of this bird, moving thru the related planes.( real ones like C.A.M.S 36, Savoia Marchetti S.21, Macchi M33 and...
  3. radioinred

    She is Born.....

    Hey guys Im the college kid who asked a ton of stupid questions about building an ultralight biplane. Well Im home and a few things have changed... First off the project is now a parasol type plane with the slight possibility of adding a second pair of wings. She is a two seater...now dont freak...