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  1. M

    Alternative to Oratex?

    So Oratex has been "on the market" for a number of years now. However, it's like pulling teeth to get prices and support. And, their website is pretty crappy. Why isn't Stewart Systems, Polyfiber, etc making something similar and selling it to the EXPERIMENTAL market? I've found 4 or 5 RC Hobby...
  2. M

    Vent Holes

    Re-covering my HI Max 1400 and need to know where the vent holes go on the Vertical Stabilizer and Rudder? Is it best to puthe one on each side? It was easy on the Horizontal Stabilizer and Elevator (the bottom).
  3. T

    Highlander kit and Oratex

    The Just Aircraft Highlander Kit apparently comes with fabric. Say I want to use Oratex... will they give me a credit for not buying the kit fabric? I asked them via email but got no reply (can't easily call during business hours due to work circumstances). Thought maybe someone has done this...