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  1. M

    Motorcycle engines powering airplanes

    I know this topic has been visited multiple times. One of the problems is that the engine is not designed to run at 100% throttle for 2000 hrs. What if the redline is limited with a rev limiter to keep the rpm from exceeding 2700 rpm, instead of a PSRU, or limiting the rpm to 50% throttle and...
  2. Chlomo

    BMW motorcycle engines on eBay.. Help!

    Hi everyone! It's my very first post and I'm really looking forward to learning from you all!:ban: So I'll get right to the point. From what I've read on this forum and some other websites as well I've come to the conclusion that using BMW motorcycle engines on airplanes is a very possible...
  3. parkert51

    Flying BMW R1100S

    Seems to be a pretty good setup! Sorry that should read 1100s....
  4. N15KS

    Motorcycle On Board

    I'd like to share a video of my project and solicite constructive feedback. Any ideas, thoughts or concerns are appreciated. Many peoples suggestions are incorporated into this prototype. This began as an interest in roadable aircraft and evolved into a cargo pod to carry a motorcycle...