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mini max

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    Why aren't we still using these?? (in-wheel suspension)

    I came across this old promotional add for an aircraft wheel that incorporates leaf-spring type suspension into the wheel spokes. I did a little more research and found some additional photos, as well as the manufacturer's test. My question is: Why are we not still using these? This seems like...
  2. T

    How about a Mini Max but with a Highlander Landing Gear?

    I'm pondering... The mini max 1100R Mini-Max - Team Mini-Max, the worlds best ultralight and light plane kits and plans. Is nice and looks quick to build. But I love the landing gear on the Highlander superSTOL, that allows for those smack-it-down landings with ridiculously steep approach...
  3. zippy240z

    JDT Mini Max 103 w/2300 Rotax

    :ban:Mini Max 103:ban: This is a mostly complete kit that has been assembled. The craftsman did a great job, but lost his eyesight and could not finish. The engine is a 2300 rotax and you can see the avaionics that are there. The wing has a fuel tank and there is the tank for in the fuselage...