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  1. Crylog

    Second hand FireStar-2 need conversion documentation for Rotax 503 motor

    Hi, A friend (who has some difficulty speaking English) just bought a FireStar-2 second hand. The issue is that the plane he just bought, currently has a Rotax 447, he wants to install (and immatriculate the aircraft) with a Rotax 503 and the previous owner did not give him any documentation...
  2. Jay Dub

    Kolb Firefly/Firestar fuselage questions

    I've read the history of Kolb pdf and gathered some info but there are some blurry parts in my mind. I know the Firestar started out as a UL with a 277. Then they made them heavier with a 447 and 503 in the "fat ultralight" years. Then they differentiated between Firestar 1 & 2. Then, to...
  3. B

    Ferguson Elevator flutter?

    I recently bought a Ferguson FII-A. If youre not familiar with it. Well it looks exactly like a Kolb. Just dont tell Bill Ferguson that. I beleive it shares some similarities of flight charictaristics with a Kolb from what i have read about them. I have been experiencing what i think is a low...
  4. bakri

    Kolb Ultrastar - need details

    Hello everyone! Kolb Ultrastar Aircraft, i like this kind of ultralight airplanes. I am working in one, homebuilt and i need to know some general details about it. I searched the web but i couldn't find any manual for construct. I want to know these things with simple drawing: This is very...