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  1. flyingmushrooms

    New virginia member

    Hello, I'm happy to become a member. I've always been interested in aviation and think it would be awesome to learn using this forum. Funny enough, I'm scared of flying in planes! I think it would be different if I built my own. Maybe it will happen one day if the time is right. I have been...
  2. T

    Hummel UltraCruiser - a good idea as a first project?

    I’m wondering if there is any way to make this bird stay under 254 lb but still get a canopy going. Between minimizing avionics, picking a light engine, and some other shenanigans like making the canopy from thinner acrylic, I believe it ought to be feasible to pull it off. Is there anyone...
  3. D

    Hummel Ultra Cruiser 2cyl volks 4 stroke ready to fly with some love!

    Hello. $5,000 OBO, Please do not be shy shoot me a offer! WILL TRADE ONLY FOR: Kawasaki KLR 650, Year is not as important as Mileage and condition, let's see what ya got! This was my late fathers airplane. He was not the original builder, he bought it from the man who built it. It has been...
  4. N8053H

    Upgraded from 35 hp to 45 hp.

    Scott Casler just upgraded my engine for me. I will post some pics when it arrives in the next day or so. Changed crank, jugs and pistons. Tony
  5. A

    the hummel bird - oppinions

    i saw the hummel bird online and i want to hear some oppinions about this airplane..