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human powered

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  1. E

    Hybrid light aircraft - Why no one did try that?

    (i got a low level of english) I remember when i was young i totally set in pieces and grand father style clock. wich was using pandulum and weight to use use gravity has a motion. Then i oppened an grand mother style clock. wich has a spring to turn + pandulum to get the motion. The things...
  2. B

    WOMEN instead of gas or electric. WHY NOT?

    It was just put to me by a member of the opposing sex that babes(i.e., females, women, girls, chicks,that which it is impossible for guys to understand) would make better airplane engines than dudes. I mentioned human powered airplanes like the MIT Daedalus and she contends that because women...
  3. M

    Human Powered Aircraft - Olympic sport?

    Just saw an article about a US guy who built an HPA for his son, and want to compete in the Kremer competition. They are up against a team from Southhampton Uni, Uk. Its as a demo joined to the UK Olympics and they are trying to gain coverage as an Olympic sport! Cool.
  4. J

    Building a semi human powered flying device

    Hi guys, I'm Jarno from the Netherlands and a new member here on this forum. I would like to share my project with all of u. I'm pretty sure I found a way to fly as a bird, using wings in combination with RC components, old kite/windsurf gear and android driven smartphones. I've been working...