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  1. T

    Highlander kit and Oratex

    The Just Aircraft Highlander Kit apparently comes with fabric. Say I want to use Oratex... will they give me a credit for not buying the kit fabric? I asked them via email but got no reply (can't easily call during business hours due to work circumstances). Thought maybe someone has done this...
  2. T

    So, what's my kit plane REALLY gonna cost when it's all done?

    I'm lolling around to see what budget I should expect for building a Sort-of STOL bush plane. I want to do this kind of stuff: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ucdb0TKu3rk But in reality, I will probably spend more time landing on, errr, more traditional landing spots. If I can get over the...
  3. T

    How about a Mini Max but with a Highlander Landing Gear?

    I'm pondering... The mini max 1100R Mini-Max - Team Mini-Max, the worlds best ultralight and light plane kits and plans. Is nice and looks quick to build. But I love the landing gear on the Highlander superSTOL, that allows for those smack-it-down landings with ridiculously steep approach...
  4. T

    Help a newbie get his head around STOL engine options...

    Hi everyone. Been lurking a while... Peat this point I decided I will attempt to build a STOL from a commercial kit. Something like a Highlander or Zenith or similar. I'm most interested in short takeoffs and landings... The ability to land on a postage stamp is terribly exciting to me. As long...
  5. snaildrake

    Has high-wing plane design changed that little in seventy-five years?

    I want to understand how recently designed planes might fly or function 'better' than much-imitated designs from the 30s or 40s. I am most interested in LSA high-wing utility two seaters that can handle short runways (STOL not critical). Here are the craft I've come up with that interest me...