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  1. smittysrv

    I finally insulated my Hangar after 30 years!

    My thirty year old hangar is now finally insulated! I hired a company to put in blown foam insulation. This foam conforms to the shape of the hangar interior walls as it dries, and almost looks like regular texture you would see in a home with sheetrock walls. It dries within minutes and is...
  2. A

    Have you Built a Hangar from 2 Shipping Containers?

    I'm not sure if this is the right discussion area, but I'm building a 45' long by 60' wide hangar from two 45' long shipping containers and connecting them with steel arches. Has anyone personally ever done this before? If so, I have some questions for you!
  3. A

    Building my Own Hangar - Do you have any recommendations?

    Does anyone recommend a type of hangar to build? Does anyone recommend building a hangar or should I just contract that out? DIY: Quonset Huts are easy to put up and cheap, but the style clashes with my house. I was thinking of making a hangar with Versatube (www.versatube.com), but I have...
  4. A

    Hangar Door Companies

    Hello. Does anyone recommend a company that sells hangar doors? Looking for bi-parting hangar doors but will consider other types. I am more interested in manual versions or ones that can open both manual and automatically. Thanks in advance.
  5. B

    Fabric Covered Hangar

    A post-and-pole building/hangar would be the obvious choice for a new hangar, but I've been hearing murmurs of fabric buildings like these working well too. I'd be curious if anyone has experience with a fabric airplane hangar and if there are any glaring negatives with them.
  6. A

    Aircraft Hangar Construction

    Hi everyone! I'm attempting to build an aircraft hangar. Does anyone have any recommendation on what company to use to build a hangar? I want something bare bones, but is enclosed and has an automatic door. Probably 60' by 40' by 15'. I was looking for a kit that I could put up with a...