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fuel tanks

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  1. Markproa

    Diesel Fuel System Design

    I'm a bit late to this discussion but it is of interest to me. My small low wing two-seater (Gazail 2) has wing tanks forward of the spar and the original builder (I bought it as an unfinished project) was intending to run fuel lines straight from the tanks to the distributor pump (diesel...
  2. T

    Why not use bladders in fuel tanks?

    I have this weird idea that I got while drinking from a water bladder out in the wilderness. Why not install a bladder inside the fuel tank so that there is less likelihood of air in the gasoline tank? Secondary question I was wondering is about ferry tanks. Why not have a bladder as a...
  3. birdus

    Fuel Tank Location

    If there's plenty of room in the fuselage between the cockpit and the firewall, is there any reason to put fuel tanks in the wings? The simplicity of having one, big fuel tank in the forward part of the fuselage (over the main spar, or so) makes sense to me. Thanks, Jay
  4. G

    Fuel tank foam

    Well this is new one for me, has anyone used this in their fuel tanks? www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1XNR8XnXGU Looks like something to consider for both in-use and building fuel tanks. Ed
  5. R

    N3 Pup Header tank build video.

    This was a build in response to the leaking in the fiberglass header tank on an N3 Pup do to the ethanol problem. Very well done video production, and well worth a look. Enjoy. Bob
  6. S

    Installing Fuel Tanks in Wood Wings

    I am working with an A&P/IA to build a homebuilt aircraft with wood wings. We are going to add wing fuel tanks in place of the fuel tank between the engine and cockpit for both safety and weight and balance purposes. In researching this, we have come across numerous ways that fuel tanks have...