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fuel tank

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  1. M

    Leaking fuel tank

    Hello there my fellow builders. I picked up a project and one of the issues is that the fiberglass wing tanks have small leaks. I’ve seen numerous products on Aircraft Spruce that you can pour into your tank to seal any pin hole leaks. Has anyone used any of these products? I’d like to avoid...
  2. L

    How to prevent low-wing fuel system to draw air?

    Hello, I'm designing the fuel system for a low wing aircraft. There is one tank located inside each wing. As locating a header tank is almost imposible (there is no posible place lower than the wing tanks) I can't get to a solution to prevent the fuel pump of drawing air during climb or an...
  3. T

    Why not use bladders in fuel tanks?

    I have this weird idea that I got while drinking from a water bladder out in the wilderness. Why not install a bladder inside the fuel tank so that there is less likelihood of air in the gasoline tank? Secondary question I was wondering is about ferry tanks. Why not have a bladder as a...
  4. N

    Fuel tank welding flanges are they needed?

    Just getting components ready for building custom fuel tanks in the wings, the tanks will be made of .032 2024 aluminium riveted and pro-sealed. I am trying to work out the easiest way to attach the fuel lines / vent tubes etc. Standard install from bingelis books is to use a pipe thread...
  5. V

    Crash-resistant fuel tanks/fuel cells: Making 'em or finding a source

    I'd be interested in any ideas for making/buying crash-resistant custom fuel tanks or fuel cells (i.e. a tank with a flexible bladder). I'd like to put them in the wing behind the spar, I like the idea of thick cross-linked HDPE or similarly tough, non-brittle material. The auto-racing...