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fuel line

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  1. T

    Why not use bladders in fuel tanks?

    I have this weird idea that I got while drinking from a water bladder out in the wilderness. Why not install a bladder inside the fuel tank so that there is less likelihood of air in the gasoline tank? Secondary question I was wondering is about ferry tanks. Why not have a bladder as a...
  2. G

    Owners E85 gasoline testing

    When driving to San Antonio to see the F1 race, I saw several major brands now carrying E85. It seems like corn is worth more to make fuel instead of steak. Besides being hygroscopic I wonder what this miracle of chemistry is going to do to our engines if we don't test every refill? It looks...
  3. B

    New Gates Fuel line woo hoo!!!

    Ok so finally Gates has introduced a new fuel line called Barricade it has green text on the jacket, is good for 225 Psi, combatible with bio-fuels (read ethanol or bio diesel). Just installed a bunch on a Rans S-6. Dang no less than thirty feet of fuel lines in that thing. Its a bit pricey...