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flying flea

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  1. M

    Flying Flea max rudder deflection

    Questions for HM290/3 Pou builders/flyers: What's the max deflection (each side) in degrees on your rudder? Does your aircraft have a rudder stop? In order to design the rudder pedals for my Flea I need to know how far the cable attach point on the rudder horn moves forward at full deflection...
  2. nestofdragons

    Why this strange tailwheel? Mignet / Flying Flea / later models

    Herni Mignet had several designs with a odd tailwheel. It was not installed near the rudder. But at some distance in front of the rudder. It made the airplane rest on the ground at a lesser angle of attack. What could be reason for this? Did they want to get the drag lower do the acceleration in...
  3. T

    Tandem wings (Yes, again.... Sorry!)

    *ducks to avoid the shower of abuse, empty beer bottles and tin cans* So, I've trawled through several threads and picked up one or two things about tandem wings, but I really don't see why they aren't more popular. I understand that if you don't get the centre of gravity correct, then they...