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  1. G

    Stewarts grey Eko-fil

    I have 2 gallons unopened. They are 198 plus shipping from Stewarts. I would like 150 each plus shipping. 319-360-5938 if take both, will do 250 plus shipping. I bought these 18 months ago or so. well within time limits. always stored in my house. I dont think these are considered hazardous...
  2. M

    Alternative to Oratex?

    So Oratex has been "on the market" for a number of years now. However, it's like pulling teeth to get prices and support. And, their website is pretty crappy. Why isn't Stewart Systems, Polyfiber, etc making something similar and selling it to the EXPERIMENTAL market? I've found 4 or 5 RC Hobby...
  3. fly_boy_bc

    Pre-cover mods/additions

    I am getting ready to cover my FFP-101 :ban: I am planning to install floats so I want to protect the wood as much as possible. I am just looking for suggestions/input as to what YOU would like to have done before covering but didn't. Things like making sure you have protected the wood properly...