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  1. A

    Composite upper wing structure

    Hello, and thank you for viewing my question. Just a query I have regarding composites (has to be manufacturing using carbon/epoxy, 0/90 degree orientation) When designing a composite wing skin, to stiffen it, I propose to either have thicker geometry, insert a core (not sure which one) or...
  2. proppastie

    Carbon Graphite AV8-B Harrier Spar

    Now I are an Enganeer but before that I was a Tool Designer, and had the pleasure of working at McDonnell Douglas on the tooling for the prototype AV8-B. At the time this aircraft was the largest Graphite Epoxy assembly ever made. I thought the site might like to see how the spars were...
  3. D

    designing root fittings for carbon spar caps

    Hello, I'm designing a 6m span wing for a 120 kilo takeoff weight. I'm designing to 6G positive 3G negative. Sketches are on electric car project (don't mind the name of the link, you can click through to the aircraft project). It's a high wing, strut braced halfway out, but the struts work...
  4. M

    Human Powered Aircraft - Olympic sport?

    Just saw an article about a US guy who built an HPA for his son, and want to compete in the Kremer competition. They are up against a team from Southhampton Uni, Uk. Its as a demo joined to the UK Olympics and they are trying to gain coverage as an Olympic sport! Cool.
  5. carbon fiber

    Carbon Fiber from USA

    Hi i am from USA and i am fan of studying carbon fiber and composite materials. You can visit my site if you are interested on carbon fibers. www.ultralightcomposites.com
  6. Sir Joab

    Composite Wing Spar for an Ultralight

    Hey guys, I'm working on a design for an ultralight somewhat similar to Airdrome Airplanes' 'Dream Classic'. I'm a collage student studying Electrical Engineering (2 years so far)... I say this to communicate two things: 1. I have a limited budget 2. I can do the math, but my...