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  1. T

    One Person Cross Country Options

    I currently own a Vans RV12 and love it, however it is a bit short legged and slow for flying real long distances. What are good options for a single person cross country airplane on a budget? I have been looking into Varieze and Long EZ's but don't really know what else is out there. Thanks, Wylie
  2. N

    Budget Ultralight

    Hi, As the title says, me and a group of friends are looking for advice on how we could power a small ultralight 1 seater aircraft we plan on building. This plane would not be going from airport to airport and never taken more than 500ft up, it is simply for field hopping. Unfortunately we are...
  3. P

    What is this budget Ultralight? Are there any catches/ design problems present?

    Hello, HBA, I found a picture of this ultralight, and I want to know it's name for further research, but I also want to know about any design problems, like how the fuselage bar on the top looks pretty thin, but is there anything else about it? Feel free to give your two cents about it!