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  1. cblink.007

    BMW R1100GS Conversion... requesting feedback

    I am looking into the possibility of converting a BMW R1100GS for aircraft use. Apparently it has been done very successfully overseas, but some questions remain: 1. Before anyone jumps the gun, yes, I have contacted Spang Air in Germany, since their aircraft uses it, and I am awaiting feedback...
  2. Chlomo

    BMW motorcycle engines on eBay.. Help!

    Hi everyone! It's my very first post and I'm really looking forward to learning from you all!:ban: So I'll get right to the point. From what I've read on this forum and some other websites as well I've come to the conclusion that using BMW motorcycle engines on airplanes is a very possible...
  3. Peterson

    Thoughts/Experience with BMW K1200?

    Initially i wanted to use a rotary 13B, but as i'm leaning towards a Falconar F12A i worry that even a stock Mazda would overstress the aircraft, not to mention the headache of trying to fit an adequate cooling system for one under the cowl. BMW makes some inline 4 (and 6, but that would also...
  4. parkert51

    Flying BMW R1100S

    Seems to be a pretty good setup! Sorry that should read 1100s....