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  1. K

    Need an Opinion on Damaged Airframe

    Good day, I have acquired an EAA Biplane that I'm trying to get back in the air (no rush) and I removed the leg rests to find a bent tube from the accident. The accident happened on the taxi ramp from a drunk driver running his truck into a wing by "accident" (previous owner). NTSB report...
  2. T

    How to Save 10% off the Cost of your Airframe 6061-T6 Aluminum

    I am in the planning stage for building a Zenair Zodiac CH 650 B, discussed at Zenith Zodiac CH 650 B: A Light Sport Aircraft Safety Plan Overview. If you are like me, you are a hands on kind of person that isn't satisfied with a crated kit aircraft. As I began analyzing the bundled part costs...
  3. R

    Composite airframe kits??

    I have been doing some research on different kits and am finding little with composite airframe and am wondering why that is. Is purely cost? Can someone give me some links to some kits that use composites? Thanks in advance.