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Harris Ranch New Year's Eve Party

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2010
Mojave, Ca, Chandler AZ
Flying to a New Year's Eve party doesn't seem like a great idea, but it works pretty well at Harris Ranch. They put on a NYE package deal that includes a room, private cocktail party with an open bar all night, a spectacular steak and lobster dinner, and dancing until well after midnight to a live band. Located in the middle of California's central valley, Harris Ranch is an easy reach from the Bay Area to the north, or LA to the south. This is our third NYE in a row and despite sketchy weather forecasts, we've found the airport (3O8) to be easily VFR every time.


Here we are, all tied down and ready to party!


For the last three years, the weather forecasts have indicated poor visibility, and popping over the mountains into the central valley, it would seem to be the case. However...


...A look over the side shows that it's just a thin scuzzy layer that really isn't bad at all. In this shot, we're about 30 miles out. Contrast this to the visibility on the ground in the lead picture.


Within just minutes of check in, a knock on the door brings a nice little snack tray and a bottle of bubbly to pass the time as you get ready for the cocktail party...


...and in case you get hungry while socializing and consuming your favorite top shelf beverage, there is this selection of appetizers. All the meat, cheese, crab legs, shrimp, etc, that you can eat.


Following the spectacular lobster tail and steak fillet dinner, there's dancing, more cocktails and plenty of socializing.

As I said earlier, this is our third year flying in for NYE and we're looking forward to next year. The airport is in great shape, the resort is outstanding, and the food is... Well, let's just say they know how to cook a steak!

Overall it is a very high quality evening from start to finish, and we consider the package price of $450 per couple to be a solid value.