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Tube size

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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2023
hello all,
I have a big doubt : the diameters of the fuselage tubes are inner or outer.
so all the diameters of the tubes of fuselage are outside. Here, in France, pipe or tube it's usually outer, but it's (nearly) always specified. Among all the suppliers I contacted for quotes, three ask me if it's inner or outer dia. I sent them a picture of the part list of the plans. In these three suppliers two are French, so I was not surprised they ask this question, but one is English...
I would be very cautious of dealing with a supplier that wanted to know that information, as they probably do not deal with 4130 tubing.
They asked because 1 inch nominal pipe size is 1.315 inch outside.
SeppoK: If he asked for 4130 and they asked if the dimension was an ID or OD, then they have no clue about it, and I would be highly suspicious of them. I would expect a steel supplier to know the difference almost immediately, when asking for certain materials, as to whether it was tubing or pipe.
In fact, my main problem to begin the building is to find the suppliers for all the materials. For some materials I think I will have to buy in US and with shipping and taxes the price is clearly not competitive. And the problem is the same for tools
I love metric system...
Aircraftspruce.eu is often not a good idea for the money
2024 T3 alclad .025 x 4' x 12' :
AS US 250$ +280$ shipping + 55 $ taxes = 585 $
AS EU 405 € + 387 € transport = 792 € and the delivery times are often very long. If they don't have the material in stock, they order from AS.US. So it's better to do directly.
The prices on chassisparts.fr for 25cd4s are less than half of what we pay for 4130 in the US.
Too bad they don't list the more common 1mm wall sizes like 16 x 1 or 20 x 1.
I wonder if you could buy directly from Benteler in Germany,a lot of the ACS tube came/comes from them.
Hi fifidibosco!

Try to reach local builders or professionals, like welders or machinists. They will tell you where they source they building materials?

If you live in Italy, I am sure you can find good quality steel locally.

