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Subaru-powered CA-65

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Feb 13, 2010
World traveler
This month's (November 2017) issue of the UK LAA's magazine Light Aviation features a cover story about a Subaru EA-81-powered Cvjetkovic CA-65 Skyfly. This CA-65 has Cvjetkovic's hand-pumped hydraulic retractable gear a raised, modified cockpit for greater head and shoulder room. With an electric variable pitch prop it cruises at 110 kt at about 21 liters/5.5 U.S. gallons per hour. Pretty neat!


Not for the first time I'll point out how much more I appreciate Light Aviation compared to Kitplanes or even EAA's Sport Aviation. The planes featured are more within reach of the the average guy or gal, in terms of both money and skill, than the multi-million dollar warbirds or museum pieces or "builder assist" toys for the rich that so often feature in the U.S. magazines. Even the relatively high-performance planes featured are less about money than effort and craftsmanship, like this CA-65.