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I can't get any response out of the Stewart Headwind Facebook Group. Have they merged here, or just gone to sleep?
Can you point me to a broken link please.
As an example, the links in the attachment here don't currently work.
ANR Headset Upgrade - Submitted by Scott Plischke

This was a common issue across several other attachments in other posts. Maybe they all were broken before the transition?

Anyway, there's a lot of good information coming in to HBA via the Sonerai.net content. Thanks.
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The links in the actual PDF? Yea that would have been an issue from a long time ago, not related to the move.
The links in the actual PDF? Yea that would have been an issue from a long time ago, not related to the move.
I guess this is a cautionary note to folks who write/post on the internet: Embedded links are nice from a readability standpoint, but just putting an ugly URL in plain text may allow folks to still find linked sites/documents later. It won't help much if the target URL gets changed/abandoned without an (unexpired) redirect, but at least it gives later readers a clue about where the stuff formerly resided. Sometimes it can still be found with the Wayback Machine, etc.
There are links in some of the sonerai.net PDFs that apparently led back to other Sonerai.net URLs (at some point, who knows how many transitions ago). Now they aren't links anymore.
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Courtesy message from Sonex to the members of Sonerai.net would have been appreciated. That could still be done. I’m sure that many are still in the dark. Took me half hour to figure the site had gone down. I do not see there is a dedicated Sonerai “forum” here. Search of “Forums” returns a generalized message thread covering anything and everything with the word “Sonerai” in it. Not very useful if you want to browse. You have to search for your exact terms. Too bad. Homebuilt is OK for what it is, but as someone noted, it tends to be more speculative than mission focused. Really would benefit from reorganization into actual aircraft-specific forums Instead of aircraft-specific message threads. Kinda like buying a bag of groceries and dumping it on the floor, then looking for the the label on the bottle of hot sauce.
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I do not see there is a dedicated Sonerai “forum” here. Search of “Forums” returns a generalized message thread covering anything and everything with the word “Sonerai” in it. Not very useful if you want to browse. You have to search for your exact terms.
The new ”Sonerai/Sonex" area is here:
Sonerai & Sonex

I guess the Sonex and Sonerai stuff will be together there. Still, it's the only "Company specific" subforum that is at this level in the site hierarchy.
Courtesy message from Sonex to the members of Sonerai.net would have been appreciated. That could still be done. I’m sure that many are still in the dark. Took me half hour to figure the site had gone down. I do not see there is a dedicated Sonerai “forum” here. Search of “Forums” returns a generalized message thread covering anything and everything with the word “Sonerai” in it. Not very useful if you want to browse. You have to search for your exact terms. Too bad. Homebuilt is OK for what it is, but as someone noted, it tends to be more speculative than mission focused. Really would benefit from reorganization into actual aircraft-specific forums Instead of aircraft-specific message threads. Kinda like buying a bag of groceries and dumping it on the floor, then looking for the the label on the bottle of hot sauce.
Just to clarify again, Sonex has no connection to Sonerai.net. I do not see a way that they could have notified all of the Sonerai.net subscribers, given that they didn’t know about the change. It would have been nice if the current owners would have placed a notice on Sonerai.net before moving it, but it’s too late for that now.
<Moderator hat engaged>

In regards to "useful" vs. "mission focused", the content is only as good as its contributors. If we want better results, we need to contribute better content. Let's get cooking! :pilot:

Also, give Advanced Search a try and focus on a specific forum. It may sort out some of the stuff that you don't care to see:

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If you are a member of sonerai.net and can now view only (like I was after the change to HBA). Use the contact us button on the bottom of the page here to send the moderators a message. It took about 4 days till they replied and let me in.
We recently merged Sonerai.net into HBA. All threads, posts, users, images. Traffic had declined so much at Sonerai over the last several years that it was running at a loss from the expenses. We tried many different ways to increase it but none worked. Since there are so many discussions/classifieds already here at HBA the decision was made to combine them. Every piece of content was moved, we are just working on the Articles right now, they should be here today.
I just hope we don't lose our identity here. The Sonerai.net forum was always friendly and helpful. My experience with larger forums has been that there are many posters who simply wish to prove they are smarter than everyone else. Let's do everything possible to maintain the tenor we had on Sonerai.net.
Will we still be charged for sonerai.net? It feels like a few weeks after I signed up my membership is now useless?