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Revmaster trauma

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Mac Wood

New Member
Apr 2, 2003
Southampton, Hampshire, England, UK
Hi all, I had an accident with my KR when I landed adjacent to a field of mature canola. Unfortunately I was too adjacent as the port wing tip clipped the crop and dragged me into the field. Well ,the engine was still at full bore(last concious act before brain stalled was to try to overshoot!), when the prop engaged the canola .This effectively twisted off the engine from the fuselage breaking the prop in the process. I was left sitting in the emasculated KR facing the approach and feeling bloody silly.! Now,- I have rebuilt the KR and I am wondering about the engine .Local VW pundit thinks that as the engine trauma was applied relatively slowly there shouldn't be a problem. What does the forum think? The engine has the 4130 RR crankshaft. Thanks, Mac G-BVZJ