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Mothers day and n number change

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Well-Known Member
May 8, 2014
Crystalriver,Fl USA
Well hopefully all the guys did something for those ladies that let us play with our planes all the time. I know my wife puts up with more aviation stuff then you could imagine from me and she definitely enjoys some of it. Yesterday she got treated to all her favorite foods... BBQ ribs, chicken, baked beans every side you could imagine while she got the chance to sit relax and watch a show. To say my wife is amazing would be a understatement. Also I kept the n number change a secret and put the papers that its done with her gifts. Ended up doing our anniversary and initials. She looked at it a little confused until she read everything and the smile on her face was priceless. Now it's time to get back at it to get this plane painted and everything else before June 1st . Have to also drop my prop off with Sterba so he can refinish it. Happy late mother's Day especially to my wife couldn't do what I do without her and still wake up wondering why the heck she married me...


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