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Identifying a 2s by photo?

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I contacted the seller about this one. For info there are no log books (deceased estate) and he doesn’t think the wing fold option is installed. On the positive side he did say that it will be sold, and will go the highest bid received by the closing date…
Just to confirm the model designation....

Registration Search​

RAAus Aircraft Search​

Use the search field below to lookup the registration status of an aircraft registered with Recreational Aviation Australia.
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Lookup Aircraft
Registration Number19-3973
ModelSonerai II-LS
Serial NumberPb 002
Registration StatusFull Registration
Registration Expiry26 Mar 2024

Source: Registration Search - RAAus
Difficult. The folding mechanism requires a support bracket to be attached to the main spar at about the 3/4 span location, and another about a foot outboard the root rib. It can’t be done without uncovering the wing.