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Site Developer
Oct 22, 2002
Pacific NW, USA!
Well, I guess since I built this site I should be the first to introduce myself to get things going and to let people know a little of the behind the scenes story. I'm hoping to see a bunch of new members soon and hopefully some of them will introduce themselves as well.

Let’s see, my name is Jake and I live in Washington State. I'm 27 years old and I have a wonderful wife named Belle and a couple of great kids, Jake (4), and Heidi (almost 2). I've been interested in airplanes since I can remember and I've always wanted to learn to fly. I became interested in homebuilt aircraft about 8 years ago and I made up my mind that someday I would build my own plane (right now the plane of my dreams is a Cozy MKIV). My wife and I have been extremely busy since we met and married in the Army almost 9 years ago. My wife and I were both Bomb Disposal Technicians in the Army and as such we were required to be on the road for many months out of the year. Now that we are both out of the Army, building and flying seems even closer to becoming a reality :D .

Why would a non-pilot, builder-wannabe construct a website dedicated to an activity that he does not even participated in yet? Hmm…that’s a good question. Actually, it's because I love aviation and because I believe whole-heartedly that the homebuilding community could use a real-time open forum to meet each other and exchange ideas. I wanted to contribute something of value and I think this place has the potential to make it easier for people with the same or similar interests to get together and connect. On these forums, a person in Yakima, Washington could ask a question and 2 minutes or 2 days later someone in Germany could weigh in with their opinion or point them in the right direction of the answer. To me that is the exciting aspect of this forum. Time and location do not play as big a part in this environment as they do when people try to connect at Air Venture or Arlington, or by mail or phone or whatever. But, just because I think it’s a good idea doesn’t mean others will. We’ll just have to see.

If you have any questions, comments or would just like to say hello, email me at [email protected] and I’ll get back to you as quick as I can.

Also, if you can think of a way to make this site better, such as a new category, or getting rid of a category or whatever, let me know as well.


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