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GPASC flywheel drive?? does it fit the Sonerai??

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Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2007
I was just wondering if anyone out there has a 'flywheel drive' Sonerai. I jsut downloaded the new catalog from the website and saw it......will it fit under the cowl due to the transmission flange height?? I know the mounts would have to be reworked, maybe even the bracing in the front of the plane....anyone have any details??

building an SII mid wing
This is a newer VW configuration offered by GPASC and probably has not been mated to a Sonerai airframe yet. Maybe someone can confirm this. Anyway, I know from first hand experience that a pulley side drive VW is a tight fit in a stock cowl. On my Sonerai IIL, N994SP, the cowl nearly touches the low profile secondary ignition module and just barley cleared the top mounted oil cooler (when I had it) and that was with the setback adaptor. From just looking at the flywheel drive engine picture, I suspect that it will not fit in the stock cowling and significant modifications will be required to make it fit. The sleek lines of the Sonerai may be compromised in the process. Hopefully others can chime in with their opinions or better yet, actual experience with the flywheel side VW in a Sonerai.
Chad Stenson's sonerai had a rear drive of similar design installed. He did however have the bell housing trimmed away and a custom motor mount.