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Site Developer
Oct 22, 2002
Pacific NW, USA!
I just read the latest issue of Contact! today and I'm impressed. The new owner, Patrick Panzera, was nice enough to let me have a sneak peak.

In this issue there is a great article about Ted Nickel's RV-4 with a Ford 3.8L V6. Very Nice workmanship and Ted divulges some great info on how he dealt with the cooling issue. He also details some very slick hinged, swing away wheel pants. Very interesting! He also modified his wing tips using piano hinges to be able to quickly remove them for additional cargo space.

The other article I found very interesting was the complete run-down on Mazda's new Renesis engine used in the new RX-8. The author does a great job of explaining the new features that allow it to produce 250 HP while coming in smaller, lighter, and more fuel efficient than the 13b (used in the RX-7). I'm excited about this engine!

Anyway, I really enjoyed this issue and wanted to let everyone know the magazine exists. Here is the website: http://www.contactmagazine.com/
