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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2023
Hy all,
I'm translating (to french) my set of plans I recently received. I have a problem with the the 8th paragraph page 19, of the Construction Manual, beginning by "to make a fiting....." to "...serious engine damage". I cannot exactly visualize what is described in this paragraph.
If anyone could send me photos of what is described her that would be great.
Thank you in advance.
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Phil, the paragraph in the Sonerai Builders Manual that you are questioning refers to the installation of a “balance” tube between the two intake manifold head castings on a Great Plains Aircraft Supply VW conversion engine. It describes the installation of a fitting in each manifold casting, and connecting them together with an aluminum tube. It is not necessary to do this. The engine will run very well without it. I had two different VW’s (a Monnett 1850 and a Great Plains 2180) in my IIL, and they ran very well without it. (I actually tried it for a while and did not notice any difference in performance, so I removed it.)
Phil, the paragraph in the Sonerai Builders Manual that you are questioning refers to the installation of a “balance” tube between the two intake manifold head castings on a Great Plains Aircraft Supply VW conversion engine. It describes the installation of a fitting in each manifold casting, and connecting them together with an aluminum tube. It is not necessary to do this. The engine will run very well without it. I had two different VW’s (a Monnett 1850 and a Great Plains 2180) in my IIL, and they ran very well without it. (I actually tried it for a while and did not notice any difference in performance, so I removed it.)
Thank you Fred, I think I'll forget that for the moment.