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  1. C

    Glasair RG project

    Looking for Glasair RG project, any condition, missing parts OK. Email us at [email protected] any info on your project. Need ASAP.
  2. ve3xox

    Glasair super 2 parts

    I have in my possession The bits and pieces of a Glasair super 2. Full fuselage, landing gear, and interior. Pictures on request. Engine, prop, and electronics have been sold.
  3. fixnflyr

    Comanche 250 for flying experimental of equal value

    Will trade for flying experimental of equal value. Comanche is valued at $54000. See ad of Barnstormers for pics and details or give m a call at 912-six five five-096 six. Serious offers please. We are located near Savannah, Ga. Thanks, Swaid Rahn