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aerodynamic modeling

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  1. cblink.007

    L-V Aeronautics Flying Wing Project Back On!!

    First, on behalf of the L-V group, I wish to sincerely apologize to the forum here. The last 10 months have been extraordinarily trying, requiring us to temporarily shelve the project while we attended to a myriad of personal matters that frankly overwhelmed the whole team! We have received...
  2. D

    I want to use the wind to move a flap, and thought you folks might be able to advise

    Imagine a small (2-3 inches) device shaped something like a light-weight house-door hinge, with little friction, supported by the (vertical) hinge pin and held open to a 90 degree angle by a very light spring. I'd like to have it blow closed (0 degree angle) when there's a wind greater than say...