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All Metal 'STOLLITE'

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Dec 26, 2003
Taree Airport Australia
G'Day from OZ,
I've just joined the group so thought I would wave the flag for my previous machine.
I call it the STOLLITE (STOL Ultralight)
This is my forth project, and second to be completed. (it's also been rebuilt and modified once) :rolleyes:
The wings came from my third project and were heavily modified.
The whole aircraft was actually put together as a Hack till I could finish my first project (the reality is even more convoluted than it looks) :confused:
I have a photographic history of the construction at the following website;
It looks like I may not get to finish my first project for some time as I now have a fifth project which I'm hoping to go into production of as a kit.
Maybe once I've got my racer kit rolling along I'll toy with finishing it off.
Quick specs on the STOLLITE;
All metal, but with fibreglass wing ribs (seemed like a good idea at the time)
2 seat, but single control
Folding wings, genuine five minutes by one person.
582 Rotax powered
Can cruise at 80kts, but better economy at around 70kts
Minimum flying speed (flap and power) around 28kts
64 litres of fuel @ 15 litres per hour (70kts)
Empty weight 310kg (680lbs)
As an Aerospace Structural Fitter :gig: sheetmetal was the way to go, and if you look carefully you can see numerous adaptations of many GA aircraft concepts.
The cabin is 30" wide (skin to skin) so I also call it my flying arm chair :D


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