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Technical references - Books, technical papers, software, etc.

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Mar 2, 2003
Western Washington
Due to the frequency of questions regarding reference materials and suggested reading, I am creating this thread to reference particular sources of information that the designers within our compendium of members can use for the development of their ideas and/or for the refinement of their projects. Since however I do work (more than full time), it's going to take me some time to assemble all that I wish to include, so please be patient. The references will be divided up into major categories/disciplines, each of which shall be prefaced in a short abstract. Following the introductory paragraph, a listing of the resources will follow. Each book or document will also be described in a brief abstract and a differentiation will be made between those that I've worked with directly and those for which the abstract is supplied by others. I have also included a quick rating system (one to five smileys) in order to give the reader a quick feeling for the books applicability. These ratings are my own personal opinion only - they reflect my evaluation of the book for its readability, applicability to the light plane design process, the value and presentation of the data, etc.

Since I of course cannot own each and every book out there, additions will be made as supplied by others. Submittals should be made through HBA's private messaging only, not email. When submitting references, please include the following:

Date published and/or copyright date (first and latest)

A paragraph that discusses the information within the book, who the targeted audience is and the approximate level of understanding that is required to make useful application of the reference. Please also provide your background so that the review can be viewed within context of the submitters experience (this is only for my reference so will not be included for public viewing). Industry and/or design experience by submitters is preferred, especially as that experience relates to the homebuilt arena. Submittals by others will be identified by the Maroon color of the book particulars.

Due to the number of references, the list will be divided up into several posts, each containing materials under the major heading:

Aeronautics and Configurational Development

Structures and Structural Design

General Engineering

Propulsion - Engines, Propellers, Systems

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