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Spoilers for Roll Control

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New Member
Jan 16, 2010
Reading previous messages uncovered problems of dead band & poor response from spoilers. The issue of a control surface operating in the boundary layer was also raised.

Studying pictures of B-52s, you can see the large deflection of that design. They are located just forward of the flaps, and only about 1/3 of the wing span has the spoilers.

The MU-2 has much more of the span covered, and uses a very narrow surface located just aft of the half chord position.

Both of these aircraft have good control feel from what I have read

Helio Courier & P-61 also made use of spoilers for roll control, but apparently both designs used small ailerons for control feel. Or perhaps also for fine control with small deflections? Both of them wanted maximum flap coverage for low stall speeds, and one would assume that they would have used full span flaps if their other issues could be solved.

So what can you guys tell me about other designs which used spoilers for roll control, particularly full span on wing loadings of 15 lbs/sqft or so?

