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Flexible Push/Pull controls

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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2003
Corona CA
Has anybody had experience with using the commonly available cables such as Morse or Teleflex cables in the primary control system of an aircraft? A lot of Ultralights use them where the control forces aren't too high and looking at my current UL project they look very tempting as they could replace a multitude of rods and belcranks for the aileron system. From a strength point of view they are more than adequate, but I heard bad things about the feel of the controls. The GT500 from Quicksilver for example, uses them and the ailerons feel very 'sticky', but they do use way too many sharp bends in my opinion. Provided the bends are kept gentle and with the very light control forces in an UL they look very desirable. They would even be a trifle lighter in my application.

Has anyone used these or flown wioth them?