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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2010
Melbourne Australia
It seems that the nominal intention of the "aerodynamics ,structures, emerging new technolgy that might revolutionize our sport " thread has been largely lost in the nuts and bolts of standard design issues and a new dedicated thread to consolidate and ONLY deal with new, emerging and potentially revolutionary technology should be started and kept for such issues.

Out of the 38,000 plus postings under this heading I would take a guess that about a half a percent would fall under this classification --and they become lost in the rest (and many would be better under shop talk )

Things like Henryk's vortex lift papers, some roadability discussion (surprise), configurations and materials, new fuels,engines,electric power and peripherals like synthetic vision, new operating modes , security and economics of production come to mind as appropriate subjects --there will always be overlap with specific threads (eg Kasperwing ) but also a number of valuable general topics that belong together under this heading (can postings be duplicated under such a heading rather than stripped from their original context ?) both context and specific content are important and some sort of cross referencing would satisfy both (much as the 'related threads' on the footer does now)

I just picked up a copy of "The Bell notes" -the 'diary' of Arthur Young who invented the Bell helicopter and control systems etc and in which mused about the pros and cons of editting his daily notes into separate categories or leaving them as a stream of conciousness as they were lived --for technical purposes it is essential to bring the related material under the same heading and 'folder' which is what this part of HBA is about.
The general context and anecdotes could still be included as long as the purpose is to further new technologies aimed at personal aircraft operation with future applications (specific aircraft and fabrication or flying subjects already have threads )

how about it ?