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Tip to save money when ordering hazardous materials from the US

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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
If you are a builder outside the US, Europe, Australia etc you might run into the same issue that i did. Some chemicals are simply nowhere to be found locally. I'm talking about stuff like ProSeal, rattle can spray etch primer, Alodyne or other aviation specific primers, specific glues etc. You can substitute a lot by using automotive sources. I found some amazing primers and fillers locally made for automotive for a very good rate but sometimes you simply need the real deal.

What i've done now is collecting all the stuff that i can't get here and ordered it from different sources in the US. They ship it to a mail forwarded who offers hazardous material shipping and you only pay domestic ground shipping rates. This way the stuff gets repackaged into a single box and you only pay hazardous material surcharge once. In my case it was only $25 on top of the normal shipping fees. And you can prepay customs. If you live in a place where customs often asks for you to contribute to their kid's school fees this is a huge advantage because it saves you from dealing with them (i wish Spruce would offer this option).

The service i'm using is called MyUS.com, I'm sure there are many others just have to check their HAZMAT rates before you use them, lot of them don't offer this option at all.

Mandatory 'not affiliated with them' just found it recently. Maybe others will appreciate this information.