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Self built original design UL in Bangladesh

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Feb 28, 2021
Self built original design UL in Bangladesh

Here's some thing you don't see every day.

Young man named Julhas, in a developing country, with a deep background in RC, has flown himself in a self built, one off design. Think - Peter Sripol, but with a lot less resources, who doesn't speak English, and Facebook handles the translation. I think the only flight time he had previously was RC.

That's right. A Bernard Pietenpol / Henri Mignet type fellow, in Bangladesh (!) has daylight under the wheels.

I tried as hard as I could to convince him to instead build a proven design like a Milholland Legal Eagle, but he wouldn't listen.

I have told him he needs to show detail pictures of the construction to as many experienced homebuilders, designers, mechanics, engineers, and pilots as possible to get feedback. I think chances are he's very lucky it didn't crash, but in any case I think he deserves any support we can give him, up to and including a plane ticket to Airventure.

I think it would be an awesome expression of the fellowship of aviation to offer to look over his ship and give him any pointers.

He's stubborn, but there's no question he has brains, talent, initiative and courage. I just want to make sure he learns risk management.

Here a link to his profile, ask him to see the video of his first flight.
