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Protect your investment from fire!

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Brent Parsley

New Member
Nov 23, 2005
Sacramento Calif
If you are concerned about protecting your aircraft or the hanger it is in I think Contego has a product you all might be interested in knowing about.

Recently an aircraft restoration company inquired about our paint and about its fire protection capabilities for protecting the engine cowlings on an older Albatross Coast Guard aircraft. From the testing results below I think you will see why we are becoming more popular everyday in the aircraft fire safety industry.

Recently an online aircraft parts and supply company has agreed to start marketing our products for wood, aluminum, and fiber glass componets that need fire protection.

Contego Aluminum Sheet Test Procedure

Test Panel 14"x14"x1/8" aluminum sheet

Thermal Couples Thermal Couples (TC) 2,3 and 4 firmly fixed to cool side of aluminum panel in centered 6" circle to measure temperature of panel. TC 6 suspended on heat side of panel, tight to panel, directly in front of heat source to measure heat applied to surface of panel.

Heat Source 250,000 BTU propane flame applied directly to surface of panel.

Treated Panel One coat of red oxide primer followed by three spray coats of Contego intumescent latex paint, approximate coating thickness of 21mil.

Results Untreated (bare) panel was completely destroyed in under 18 minutes with gradual temperature increase as noted in graph on web page.

Treated panel had heat applied as noted in graph under identical setup as untreated panel. Test was conducted for 2 hrs and 15 minutes at which point it was discontinued. The panel temperature never reached 400 ° F as noted in graph.

Contego has also been successfully tested and approved for use on the fiberglass fuel tanks of the V-22 Osprey.

Contego International Inc. and the FAA are discussing the viability of using our paint to give added fire protection to all air cargo areas and containers.

I have done burn tests on .025 aluminum flashing (without primer) using Contego "Fire Barrier" Latex paint and MAPP gas which burns at 5340 F. On the unpainted portion it will burn through in 6 to 8 seconds. On the painted side (with less than the recommended coating) it has burned for almost an hour with NO DAMAGE to the surface of the metal or discoloration on the back side. I’ve had infra-red temperature readings on the back of the painted piece ranging from 95-99 C which totally surprised everyone.

If you are interested and would like more information please contact me so we can discuss it further.


Brent Parsley
CONTEGO West, Inc.
[email protected]